Friday, May 05, 2006

Tagged Again

1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn on page 18 and find line 4.
Inside there was only an enormous, transperant block with infinite internal needles in which the light of the sunset was broken up into colored stars
“One hundred years of Solitude”- Gabriel Garcia Marquez

2.Stretch your left arm out as far as you can.& catch air?
Yes I can catch air, what does it prove, my real estate status?

3. What is the last thing you watched on TV?
Sun Vs Heat not a big time NBA fan, here and there stop to watch the score and follow the play-off

4.Without looking, guess what time it is?
6:59 pm

5. Now look at the clock, what is the actual time?
7:08 pm

6. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
Apparently my windows are sound proof, but I just heard a plane pass by

7. When did you last step outside? What were you doing?
Today morning to work

8. Before you started this survey, what did you look at?
Aarsi’s blog, copied this is long list of questions

9. What are you wearing?
cotton pants + T

10. Did you dream last night?
Yeah..usually I don’t remember them, but today I slept in and I kinda remember what I dreamt about..but I wouldn’t to write it here.

11. When did you last laugh?

about 4 hr backs..when I was telling my colleague about the difference in expenditure when single Vs when u have a GF Vs when u have a wife…it worked out to be 1:3:2

12. What is on the walls of the room you are in?
a dart board, smookies mountain poster, an art piece, calendar, ganesh pic

13. Seen anything weird lately?
Lately yes, and has been bothering me for sometime

14. What do you think of this quiz?

15. What is the last film you saw?
Hanuman…the cartoon movie

16. If you became a multimillionaire overnight, what would you buy?
Nikon D70

Just those 2 things as of now…Rest after few years

17. Tell me something about you that I dunno.

There a luandry list of things that you don’t know about me

18. If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?
Provide supplies to the famine ridden people in Africa

19. Do you like to dance?
Not a lot,

20. George Bush.
Everybody know about him

21. Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?
Never thought of that…as of now I don’t have any preference, I would let me wife decide

22. Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him?

Never thought of that…as of now I don’t have any preference, I would let me wife decide

23. Would you ever consider living abroad?

24.What do you want GOD to say to you when you reach the pearly gates?

Welcome with a broad smile..

25. 5 people who must also do this meme in their journal.

Atlast, the 10 things

Tagged Ram by

Name 10 of life's simple pleasures that you like the most and then pick 10 people to do the same (optional). Try to be original and creative and no to use the things someone else has already used.

I have listed out 10 simple things that bring me pleasure as of now, I mean for the person who I am and where I am right now

1. Those mulitple kutti naps before you finally get up from the bed in the morning.."appa 5 mins pa pls pa" :)
2 .Dreaming..I am big time dreaming is one of my favorite passtime, now don't ask me what I dream
3 . To lie down under the open sky, with a gentle breeze on and watch the stars/ moon through the night, ofcourse company irundha unnam nella mootai maadi was my favorite place.. on the beach too with the soothing rythms of the waves
4. cool shower after running…which I seldom do nowadays
5. ofcourse sight adikuruthu
6. Hanging out with friends-chatting, movies, eating, serious discussion , fighting..
7. Friday night call
8. Chocolate cake..yummmmy….even typing it makes me drool
9 . A game of racquet ball

I was able to list out the first 9 very quickly, but the last one took me a great deal of time..but aren't these 10 were meant to be impromtu

10 . small things that you look forward towards, it can be a weekend movie, weekend run, planning for the next big thing(which never happens) or the cute girl who works in another dept at ur office for whom you might take the longest possible route to the café just to have a glance of her(Ok she left the company 4 months back) ..all these small things helps to keep the life exicting, dont they??

Friday, April 14, 2006


en inniya thamizh makalle, ungal anaivarukkum en inniya thamizh puthandhu valzhuthugal.

Apparently this year is called "veeya" and last year was called "parthiban". Source my dad.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Problems – Are they imperative to Life

This post is influenced by a brief talk I had with my brother earlier this week on problems in life and how to tackle them. Lets do an autopsy on problems.

Why people always complain about their problems, and hold them as common excuse for their failures:
Let’s think for a moment, are they real problems? or is it their wrong reaction which make the “problem” as a real problem. Is it their attitude or Is it their wrong choice of attitude towards the “problem” which changes it into a real problem.

How do great achiever, inventor, and entrepreneurs overcome problems? Why don’t they complain about problems?
Is it because god made them like that? :) or is it their attitude towards problems which enables them view each problem as an opportunity, view each stumbling block as a step stop.

Going to back to our old high school lessons on friction, researcher always viewed friction as bane on high speed locomotion, but isn’t it friction that makes us walk?

Ok one more science analogy, isn’t bird’s only obstacle to overcome for flying with greater speed and ease is the air ? but if the air is withdrawn (vacuum) it would fall. The very element that offers resistance to flying is at the same time the condition for it flight. Strange..

Do problems give a meaning to life ? Do we learn from problems? Is it Imperative to life? Will it be fun to live without problem?

P.S. But I am better off without I.E. Irodov physics problem :D


Sunday, April 09, 2006

Movie time

Thavamaai Thavamirundhu

Just finished seeing it, I have to offload the weight, writing here might help.

Looks like each of Cheran's movie has a heavy subject and an intricate portrayal of human emotions and relationships. Though some might argue his movies carry excess baggage of sentiments.. come on which human relationship is devoid of emotions. People appreciate movies only when they're able to connect with it someway. The plots of his movies are layout in such a fashion and they highlight certain things that might be remotely connected to you. Certain scenes are truly touching, heart wrenching, pokes your mediocrity, reminds your past, nudges you to think for moment.

I still could not figure out who is the hero of the movie, Rajkiran or Cheran ? Rajkiran's controlled emotions, elegant dialogue delivery makes him a nonpareil for the role. Heart wrenching scenes were not uncommmon to Cheran, and he has sprinkled them all through the movie and few still still lingers in my mind. I got too involved into this movie which is, soo not me, couldn't help it, I share a very special relationship with my dad. I pity the elder brother character, his life course changed bcos of his wife, he had no choice. I guess, good being a relative term, to depict one as good the other had to be potrayed bad. Oru muraidhaan oru muraidhaan, manithan vazhkai oru muraidhaan is worth mentioning for its screenplay. Yet another movie straight from the heart to the heart.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Second One

My first blog entry was supposed to be my pretentious entry into the blogging world, but a simple search on my first title "Random Thoughts" revealed blog posts with the same title. Just skimming through these numerous notes from the mind, from the heart, from the brain, showed each one of them was distinct and unique mirroring the blogger's personality..kudos to whoever came up with this idea.
I think there are different facets for this blogshpere, it varies from pure academic narratives to personal revelations to daily journals, its amazing to see the gamut .

After meandering through the numerous blogs with the so-called title I stumbled upon another "Random thoughts", without knowing who the person is or looking at the profile I spent about 30 minutes reading through logs..apparently it turned out the person goes to the same school as I used to and is from same the city as I am from. Supposedly "She", had very candid narratives on Under-Grad and Grad life, reading through them made me nostalgic, took few moments to relish those lovely thoughts of grad life - friends, challenges, lesson learnt...ok ok back to present. ..its around 1:15 am and am dead tired from the travel, guess time to crash, over and out..Happy blogging..

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Random Thoughts

Goals, ambitions, are they set? When the destination is not clear than what path should we take? what and where is the target? Will my dream ever materialise into defined goals, or should they really define themselves into goals. Will I have the temperament to decipher these goals into achievable and non-reachable, is there a clear line ? how can I be oblivious to all these questions?

Iconic images of the intelligentsia and the brave entrepreneurs who made it to the front pages reckon me and act as a constant pull towards the peak behind the wafting dark clouds of fear, fear of failure, fear of under performance. These pull would certainly help to forget the abnoxious moments of failed endeavors which knell like a death bell.

These questions and thought reverebate through mysystem.