Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Problems – Are they imperative to Life

This post is influenced by a brief talk I had with my brother earlier this week on problems in life and how to tackle them. Lets do an autopsy on problems.

Why people always complain about their problems, and hold them as common excuse for their failures:
Let’s think for a moment, are they real problems? or is it their wrong reaction which make the “problem” as a real problem. Is it their attitude or Is it their wrong choice of attitude towards the “problem” which changes it into a real problem.

How do great achiever, inventor, and entrepreneurs overcome problems? Why don’t they complain about problems?
Is it because god made them like that? :) or is it their attitude towards problems which enables them view each problem as an opportunity, view each stumbling block as a step stop.

Going to back to our old high school lessons on friction, researcher always viewed friction as bane on high speed locomotion, but isn’t it friction that makes us walk?

Ok one more science analogy, isn’t bird’s only obstacle to overcome for flying with greater speed and ease is the air ? but if the air is withdrawn (vacuum) it would fall. The very element that offers resistance to flying is at the same time the condition for it flight. Strange..

Do problems give a meaning to life ? Do we learn from problems? Is it Imperative to life? Will it be fun to live without problem?

P.S. But I am better off without I.E. Irodov physics problem :D


At 9:55 PM, Blogger Ram said...

no fun without problems! What i think as a problem neednt be one to u. So, it's essentially the way we look at life and what our priorities are. Problems seem to increase only if we start worrying about them. A carefree attitude used discretely isn't bad, in my opinion...

At 12:09 PM, Blogger Jaya said...

I agree.. Without challenges, you don't have the scope to grow... There are no problems.. there are just challenges and each one as you overcome them, makes you a stronger person.. But like ram said, everything needn't be taken with the same magnitude... Some things left unsolved will leave u happier than otherwise!

At 6:35 PM, Blogger Nostalgia said...

Well said guys, thanks for your inputs. Challenges molds one's personality and shape per person's attitude.

What a coincidence I was preparing a presentation today at work for my project , one of the slides says "Problem/ Oppurtunities statments"..:)

Ram, double true!! the worry about the problem aggravates the effect..But carefree attitude is to avoid the problem or to deal it head on?

Jaya, Some things left unsolved will leave u happier than otherwise, enna solla vare??

At 7:05 PM, Blogger Ram said...

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At 7:06 PM, Blogger Ram said...

by carefree, i mean that we should let the problem sort itself out.

At 11:21 PM, Blogger Jaya said...

Well, sila nonsense theriyardhuku theriyamale irundhurkalaam.. In some ways, ignorance is bliss!

At 11:25 PM, Blogger Nostalgia said...


At 7:59 PM, Blogger meghjanmi said...

@jaya,a very common mistake..Sir Thomas Gray wrote this ode on a very pessimistic mode..
"..Why sould they know their fate
Since sorrow never comes too late
And happiness too swiftly flies
Thought would destroy their paradise
No more;where ignorance is bliss
Tis folly to be wise."
He is said to have penned it upon seeing some students play ball in Eton,where he was a professor.
So,I would suggest never to say 'ignorance is bliss' it projects a heavy note of despondence,failurte and pessimism..
As for problems..for some people,even eating is a it all lies in how we look at it..I am reminded of the stone.hold it in front of your looms large..hold it farther is small..and throw it behind your back,it isn't there any more..!!:)


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